Computer Aided Dispatch with Smart Device Integration

Larimore’s Smart Device Integration Services (SDIS) allows users access to their strategic mobile applications from any authorized smart device. Larimore supports both iOS and Android based devices.

Based on the agency’s established mobile security privileges, an officer can log into the Larimore Mobile Application Menu on either their phone or tablet to access applications.

Real time information can be accessed in the field from CAD concerning incoming calls and calls in progress, records can be searched, and incidents can be reported, all from the officer’s smart device.

The Security Administrator has complete control of which devices are authorized to access the Larimore Mobile Application, and which applications officers are authorized to access. Multiple levels of authentication are required to access the Larimore database, protecting your agency from unauthorized access.


Mobile Options for Law Enforcement Public Safety Software

Larimore’s CAD system is designed for today’s State, County and Local levels.