Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) Mapping
Larimore’s CAD Mapping gives your dispatchers a wealth of critical information at a single glance. It is the ideal complement to the fully integrated Larimore CAD System.
A sample of the benefits the CAD Mapping system provides include:
- Once call locations are validated in CAD, they appear on the Map
- Map displays icons that show the units that have been dispatched to the call
- Extensive information about the call is displayed, including street address, type of call, units assigned to the call. More information is provided upon a right mouse click
- The map automatically re-positions to display each 911 call and all calls around it
- System has unique icon to quickly identify calls in progress
- The map automatically updates each CAD event’s location or call code changes
- Non-911 calls can also be mapped with a keystroke, for calls that escalate
- Dispatchers can “zoom in” and pan any location to see more detail
Multiple Map “layers” display only what Dispatchers want to see:
- Various types of information on the map are each contained in their own “layer” that can be turned on and off by the user
- Optional layers include: fire hydrants, lakes/rivers, railroad tracks, etc. If hydrant layer is used, hydrants can be labeled as active, inactive, out of service, etc.
- Layers can be added after the initial installation
Larimore’s CAD system is designed for today’s State, County and Local levels.