Campus Security
Larimore has served the University and Campus Security market for more than 20 years.
We cut our teeth designing a system for the Police Department at Harvard University, a system that has been developed, tested and proven over decades in operation there. In that time, we have witnessed the increasing trend for more universities to move from a security operation to an accredited police department.
Larimore has responded to this change in Campus Policing by designing a full suite of software applications designed to solve the unique challenges and needs of any College or University.
All of the Larimore Campus based solutions are designed to keep your agency in full compliance with all aspects of the federal Clery Disclosure Act.
Talk to us about how we can take your Campus Police or Security Department to the next level of safety and efficiency.
Campus Security
Larimore’s CAD system is designed for today’s State, County and Local levels.

Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) – Campus
The Larimore Computer Aided Dispatch System (CAD) is a modularly based suite of applications that takes the job of Call and Resource Management to the next level.
Care has been put into automating processes, creating quick entry tools, and providing the Dispatcher with Mapping Software unrivaled by our peers.
Larimore’s CAD system is designed for State, County, and Campus specific levels.
Full-featured software that handles any situation:
- Supports multi-jurisdictional dispatching
- Expandable to support multi-agency dispatching – Police, Fire, EMS
- Call-taking and dispatching can be combined, or separated
- System allows dispatcher assignments based on geography, agency, or both
- Unit recommendations based on call location
- Ability to quickly dispatch resources to any location by premise name
- Unique configuration module provides quick access to settings and security features
Learn more about:
Campus Records Management System
The Larimore Campus Police Records Management System (RMS) is a robust integrated system comprised of over fifteen stand-alone applications.
These applications are designed to deliver exactly the information your department needs, when you need it, matching the way you work.
We offer a full suite of software solutions for your Campus Security or Police Department, from Incident Reporting and Trespass/Warning, to Arrests & Booking and many others.
All of these applications encompass the unique needs of Campus Police departments, including compliance with all aspects of the federal Clery Disclosure Act.
Talk to us about our ability to further customize our many applications to meet your specific departmental needs.
Learn more about:
- Clery Day Log System
- Clery Annual Statistical System
- Incident Reporting System
- Trespass/Warning
- Case Management System
- Property/Evidence Tracking System
- Field Interview System
- Restraining Order System
- Towed Vehicle System
- Smart Device/Field Report Writing System
- Registration System
- Arrest/Booking System
“Larimore’s systems give us more time to protect and serve our campus, by reducing the time it takes to gather, process and act on information.”
Campus Human Resource Management System
The Larimore Campus based Human Resource Software is a set of applications designed to give your Campus Police or Security Department the tools it needs to manage any number of Human Resource and Personnel functions, including:
- Personnel Management System
- Scheduling System
- Training System
- Asset Management System
- Internal Affairs System
Like the other Larimore applications, each is built to stand on its own, or to be integrated with any of the other applications.
This modular approach gives you the flexibility to purchase only the solutions your department needs, based on the scope of your operation.

Campus Clery Day Log
As stated in The Handbook for Campus Crime Reporting*, “Any institution that has a campus police department or security office, regardless of size, must create, maintain and make available a daily crime log… An entry, an addition to an entry, or a change in the disposition of a complaint, must be recorded within two business days of the reporting of the information to the campus police or the campus security department.”
Key Features:
- Integrates with either the CAD or Incident Reporting Systems, providing seamless transfer of information.
- Ability to read full case report, including all supplements, for every Incident Report taken.
- Ability to create, maintain and publish both Crime and Fire Logs. Both logs can be maintained for multiple campuses.
- Updates to each Incident log entry creates a new log record thereby maintaining separate historical tracking of changes.
- Log contains building/premise names in addition to the address of the incident for easy recognition by students and employees.
Campus Clery Annual Statistics
A key component of the Campus Crime Statistics Act* is the accurate and timely reporting of Clery Act Statistics. This Act specifically states that “Crime statistics are to be disclosed each year for the previous three years.”
Larimore’s Clery Act Statistical software provides the tools to easily manage the entry and reporting of not only the Clery Crimes, but also the required Fire Statistics. In addition, the integrated audit facility insures that reports that are missing key information can be identified, verified, and corrected as appropriate.
Key Features:
- Integrates with Incident Reporting System, providing seamless transfer of information.
- Ability to access full case report, including all supplements written for each Incident.
- Ability to create, maintain, and publish both Crime and Fire statistics.
- Ability to attach photos, documents, drawings, spreadsheets, recordings, and videos.
- Statistics are maintained by campus.
- Meets latest reporting standards as published by the Campus Crime Statistics Act and the Higher Education Opportunity Act.Includes:
- Clery Act Statistics (On Campus, Student Housing, Non-campus, Public Property, Rptd By Local Police)
- Criminal Offenses
- Hate Crimes
- Disciplinary Actions
- Arrests
- VAWA Offenses
- Unfounded Crimes
- Fire Statistics
Campus Trespass/Warning System
This Larimore CAMPUS Trespass/Warning System is yet another valuable reporting tool for Colleges and Universities.
It is more than a historical tracking of Trespass incidents – the system can be counted on to provide timely access to crucial information regarding Trespassers, allowing your Department to deliver a higher level of security for your Campus.
This system has been designed to allow quick transfer of pertinent information from the Incident Reports to the CAMPUS Trespass System, significantly reducing duplication of effort.
Key Features:
- Integrated with Incident Reporting System to provide seamless transfer of information
- Ability to identify type of warning, verbal or written
- Ability to set the restriction level to specific building/premise, or entire Campus
- Affiliation of Trespasser to College or University can be identified
- Ability to attach photos, documents, drawings, spreadsheets, recordings, and videos
- Reports can be linked to specific locations such as buildings and parking areas for meaningful crime analysis
- Robust ‘Search’ functions are fast and easy to use; search parameters include names, student ID, premise, address, incident class code, property, and many more
- Default Warning Letter can be created and maintained for a streamlined notification process. Easily create custom Warning Letters for mailing for each offense
We can customize any of our software solutions to meet your needs
Contact us and one of our customer service reps will respond to you as soon as possible